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A family business since 1863, Camus has always adapted to the world around it. Today, respect, preservation and innovation define CAMUS' commitment through its sustainable development policy. Since 2022, CAMUS has held the “Committed to CSR” and Responsibility Europe labels, both of which are recognized for their solidity and enable us to meet today's challenges.



We are committed to the environment, the very essence of our cognacs, and we contribute to preserving the richness of our terroir and landscapes through our activities.

Our environmental policy is based on three pillars for which we measure our impacts and contributions.

Preserve our terroirs and natural ressources 


The vineyard is our most precious asset, and we are aware that crop management must evolve to ensure its longevity. For over 15 years, CAMUS has been committed to sustainable viticulture at its “La Gerbaude” vineyard, in the heart of the Borderies Cru. Limiting the impact of our practices on the environment is essential, and every decision is taken with the strictest care. In 2019, Domaines CAMUS became one of the very first vineyards in the Cognac appellation to obtain Cognac Environmental Certification and High Environmental Value (HVE). We help our winegrowers to preserve the environment and reward their efforts through a contractualization policy that encourages virtuous practices. By 2023, 37% of our supplies will come from vineyards certified HVE (High Environmental Value) under the Cognac Environmental Certification program. 


At every stage of our production, from vine to bottle, we strive to limit our water consumption and recycle as much of the effluent generated by our processes as possible in order to preserve the quality of this resource. 

Water is becoming a major sustainable development issue. In the vineyard, we have been recovering rainwater on our estate since 2022 to minimize water extraction, and all residues are recycled. What's more, 100% of our distillation residues feed a local methanization unit (REVICO) and we have a recycling system that limits our water withdrawal. 



Our ambition is to offer highly desirable cognacs, designed to enhance the value of our terroir and know-how. 

Preserve resources, limit waste and the use of plastics, promote reuse and recycle are the key axes of our eco-innovation strategy, deployed collectively with our stakeholders. We commit our company to a transparent, low-impact approach, in the service of excellence, efficiency and creativity. 

A structured and measured process : Our approach is supported by a rigorous process that enables us to monitor the achievement of our objectives and measure our progress. Upstream of each new development, dedicated teams work together to set ambitious targets for each packaging element. 

In concrete terms, we use an environmental impact calculation tool that provides our design teams with precise, factual datas on product impact in real time. This tool enables us to act at source, i.e., right from the design phase.

We analyze all the characteristics of our packaging (bottle, cap, cardboard): weight, material, recyclability, and we also integrate supplier policies. 

Since 2023, our [Re]-feel XO program has given concrete expression to our approach, and we're proud to be able to provide our customers with factual, honest information about the footprint of our products on this online sales site.

Reduce our carbon footprint 


Our vision is to pass on to future generations a preserved terroir, creating pleasure and emotion in a low-carbon world. 

Reduce our carbon footprint is essential to limiting global warming, which is why CAMUS is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contributing to the global goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. The climate issue is clearly part of our corporate strategy, and our teams are committed to limiting the use of our natural resources in order to preserve and protect them. 

An ambitious and committed roadmap : Aligned with the Paris Agreements and the SNBC (National Low Carbon Strategy), CAMUS’ low carbon roadmap is based on an operational approach to reducing emissions across all its activities, an approach made concrete by the deployment of action plans that mobilize all the company's departments. 

Every year, we measure all our emissions, item by item, without compromise (Bilan carbone ® method). Our method and results are verified and certified by an accredited agency. 

We record the carbon emissions generated by our activities, both direct and indirect, on all three scopes. Over 200 data sets are collected from our vineyards, our partner winemakers, our suppliers and all our sites (distillery, ageing, bottling, head office, etc.). 

2023 results : In 2023, total emissions from CLGM's activities will amount to 8,564 tonnes. This is 4% less than in 2022, and a 16% reduction since 2021. 



En tant qu'entreprise familiale indépendante, nous créons de la valeur économique et sociale.

CAMUS est profondément ancré dans la région de Cognac et s'attache à mettre en valeur les femmes et les hommes qui y vivent et les savoir-faire qu'ils incarnent. Notre vision est que chacune de nos actions, chacune de nos initiatives, nous fait progresser, avec comme premier atout notre collectif.

Notre politique sociale se décline en quatre piliers pour lesquels nous mesurons nos impacts et nos contributions.

Value and transmit our know-how 


Training is a key value of our organization. We support our employees throughout their careers, in particular through an ambitious training policy designed to pass on the know-how of our heritage. In 2023, 82% of the CLGM workforce received training, with 137 training sessions given over the year. Since 2017, the Camus Academy has been offering all its employees online training, face-to-face sessions as well as visits and meetings. The Academy is an opportunity for every employee to gain a better understanding of our company, our businesses and our products. In 2021, a further step was taken in the digitization of content with the possibility for all employees to access e-learning on a dedicated platform. 


Ateliers CAMUS

The Ateliers are the heart of unique craftsmanship, and each piece is a showcase for the talents of the artisans and artists who work with us on our projects. From crystal-makers to embroiderers, from goldsmiths to trunk-makers, CAMUS works with the most renowned craftsmen to offer connoisseurs and collectors the opportunity to create their own cases for exceptional Cognacs. The Ateliers are also about the talent of our employees, who have developed unique skills such as leatherwork and engraving, as well as the talent of our cellar master, who dedicates a unique blend of our finest eaux-de-vie to each creation. 

Promote well being at work and act for safety


Working conditions play a decisive role in the development of our employees, and we make the health and safety of our people a priority. Risk prevention is at the heart of our safety policy, and every new employee is made aware of and trained in safety issues at every one of our sites. This policy is based on regular risk identification, the monitoring and steering of an annual action plan, and regular employee awareness-raising. 

Living together 

In June 2023, CAMUS’vineyard was awarded the Grand Prix “Vivre Ensemble” (trad. Living together) at the Cognac Committed Vineyard Awards, a competition organized by Terre de Vins and the Cognac industry. This first edition rewarded the best initiatives responding to the industry's sustainable development challenges. The “Vivre Ensemble” category highlights the societal dimension, good human resources management, work on relations with neighbors and within the community, and the implementation of actions to promote the transmission of knowledge or the attractiveness of the region. 


Our aim is to offer everyone the conditions for success and fulfillment within our company, without distinction, and to respect everyone's individuality. We are proud to boast an equal distribution of men and women in our workforce. 

In 2023, 57% of management positions will be held by women. This figure is 8 points higher than in 2022, and demonstrates the company's determination to advance professional equality. 

At CAMUS, there are no gender-specific professions. Line manager, cellar master, production manager, cellar agent and forklift operator are all examples of positions held by women over the last ten years. 

CAMUS is committed to combating discrimination, stereotypes and sexist behaviour. Our social policy promotes respect for the individuality of each of our employees.

We are constantly striving to improve our performance, to enable as many people as possible to enter all our professions, and to be more inclusive. 


In line with its ambitions in terms of commitment to women and men, CAMUS creates social value, supports local development and local networks within its territory. But it's also in CAMUS' DNA to promote its know-how, heritage and values beyond our region and the national territory. 

Ethics and compliance 


The heart of our CSR strategy is based on our ethical policy. Camus La Grande Marque is committed to ensuring that all its activities are conducted in accordance with the ethical rules it has set itself: compliance, integrity, moral rigor and transparency. 

CAMUS affirms its commitment by adhering to the United Nations Global Compact's Corporate Social Responsibility initiative, respecting its Ten Principles on human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption. CAMUS thus illustrates its concrete commitment to a responsible and sustainable business world 

CAMUS' vision of ethics is expressed through the six priorities described in its Code of Ethics and an independent whistle-blowing system. Camus promotes its ethical values to suppliers and partners through the signature of Supplier Ethical Standards. 

When they join the company, all new employees are made aware of the system and trained in it, to ensure that their business conduct remains compliant and honest.

Our labels

Advanced level “Committed to CSR” label

In November 2022, Camus la Grande Marque earned the advanced level “Committed to CSR” label. With an overall score of 659 out of 1,000, we are proud to have displayed our commitment and the maturity of our approach through this demanding AFNOR label. The Committed to CSR label is more than a diagnosis and a statement of intent. Through an on-site audit and interviews with our outside stakeholders, all of our dealings and activities have been analysed in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 26000 Standard. It’s a challenging and motivating framework that enables Camus to move forward and respond collectively to sustainable development issues.

ISO 9001

Looking for meaning and excellence, our customer is our priority and Camus is committed to providing them with an authentic and responsible experience. We are committed to offering high quality products with high standards from design to production. In this regard, customer satisfaction and continuous improvement are, for our organisation, long-standing priorities that qualify us each year for ISO 9001 certification.

ISO 22000

Food safety is a priority in our commitment to our customers and consumers. To ensure the production of a product of excellence, all our processes and activities are certified for food safety under the ISO22000® standard.

AEO certification - Authorized Economic Operator

This certification guarantees the conformity of our international trade.